Monday, October 25, 2010

New Website

It's taken a while to find my voice but I've found it. It's somewhat ironic that when I was teaching and burning out and would have had so much to say I had no blog. I'm finding, as I work in wellness more, that so much of what we stress about as teachers isn't always about our jobs, but it's the nature of our jobs that doesn't easily allow us to have the space to work out the other aspects of our lives. Stress is personal.

I'd like to invite a space for healing, sometimes it's about teaching stress, sometimes it's about life - but it is always connected. We are one person - sometimes we're a teacher, sometimes a friend, sometimes a daughter, a lover, a consumer, a leader, a follower, a sister, a mother, an auntie, a stranger - we area all those things and more - and we can't just shut ourselves off as we move from one role to the other. Trying to write about specific teaching stress is sometimes limiting - so I'm changing how I'm going to write - and where I'm going to write.

On my new site I'll continue and expand the journey of moving away from stress and towards wellbeing. I'll see you there. :)

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